Minnesota Ethnic Providers Network (MNEPN)

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The focus here

If you are looking for a network of non-profit aging services providers and other mission-driven organizations that are united by a collective commitment to development & growth, advocacy, protection & accountability, and training & compliance, look no further than the Minnesota Ethnic Providers Network (MNEPN).

MNEPN is a network of organizations that are dedicated to providing quality care and services to older and disabled adults. Our members are united by a shared commitment to ensure the health and safety of their clients, as well as the development of their communities.

One of our key focuses is development & growth. Our members strive to ensure their organizations can grow and adapt, while still meeting the needs of their clients. Through our advocacy efforts, we aim to bring attention to the needs of our clients and the importance of comprehensive services. We also take pride in our commitment to protection & accountability, which is reflected in our rigorous standards of care and compliance.

MNEPN also offers a wide range of training & compliance programs to our members. These programs help to ensure our members are up-to-date on all the necessary regulations and best practices. Through these initiatives, we strive to ensure our members and their clients receive the highest quality of care.

At MNEPN, we are dedicated to providing quality services to our members and their clients. Our collective commitment to development & growth, advocacy, protection & accountability, and training & compliance ensure we are a reliable partner for those seeking quality care and services for older and disabled adults.